Select FFL
FFL Dealers in your State:
Our FFL list above allows customers to see what dealer licenses we already have on file in the area they need to ship a firearm. Preferred Dealers are listed in green and have agreed to accept all incoming ATF approved firearms transfers from customers. When choosing a Preferred Dealer from our list, you do not need to contact the dealer to request approval of your firearm transfer.
If you choose a dealer from our list which is not currently listed as Preferred, we will be unable to process your shipment until we are able to contact the dealer and request their approval of the firearm transfer. To avoid delays, please either choose a Preferred Dealer from our list, or ask the dealer to Contact Us to become a Preferred Dealer.
If you would like to ship your firearm to a FFL dealer which does not currently appear on our list, please contact the dealer and ask them to send us a copy of their FFL license via fax 800-804-5569 or Electronically. services includes only the shipping of firearms to transferring FFL dealers nationwide. The actual firearm transfer fees charged by each FFL dealer are negotiated between the dealer and the firearm buyer or transferee. has no involvement in the FFL firearm transfer process or the associated fees.